Thrissur municipality came into existence on I st July 1942 and later in the year 2000 it was upgraded to the level of municipal corporation, by merging the adjoining Ayyanthole, Ollukkara, Koorkanchery, Ollur and Vilvattom panchayths and parts of Nadathara panchayth with the erstwhile municipal area. Thrissur municipal corporation came into being on 2 nd October 2000 with a total area of 101.42 sq km. The total population of Thrissur Corporation in 2001 was 317474 consisting 154188 males and 163286 females. The total households in the city is 66827 and sex ratio is 1092/1000 male. According to census 2001 the average population density is 2868 persons per sq km. In the central area of the town, the population density is as high as 3130 persons per sq km, while it is 1458 persons in the outer fringes of the city.